vLab Manager | API reference

API reference

System operations


Detailed descriptions of each API operation including outputs.

post http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/system/login
Authenticates a user in the system. Returns authentication token if authentication succeeded. The returned authentication token should be used for all other requests.


  • header Content-Type set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • valid service_key header
  • body content with username and password


Returns authentication token if authentication succeeded.

Element Description Usage
auth_token authentication token for current user necessary for further interactions with API

Sample Response

{ "auth_token": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key

Sample Request

Content-Length: 31
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

post http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/system/logout
Signs out user from the system making current authentication_token not valid for making any other requests.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header


No content.

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
204 No content Successfully logged out
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key

Sample Request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
auth_token: 064ce9a2-d448-4483-9af3-350debc11a9b
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

System version
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/system/version
Returns information concerning the latest application version.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header


"vlmName": "com.CybExer.VLM" "vlmVersion": "3.5.0-SNAPSHOT", "vlmBuildTime": "2016-05-09 15:33", }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key

Sample Request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
auth_token: 064ce9a2-d448-4483-9af3-350debc11a9b
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Project operations


service_key parameter should be set in header in order for all operations to work.

Project Hierarchy
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/project/hierarchy
Get all projects structure.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header


Returns structure of projects, which are allowed to be accessed via API.

Element Description Usage
auth_token authentication token for current user necessary for further interactions with API

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "project_name", "deploymentStatus": "DEPLOYED", "teams": [ { "id": "00ac0d54-10c2-4c89-9ecd-a6794b3225d0", "name": "team-003-pr", "index": 2, "folders": [ { "id": "e45bd767-1109-42db-aae5-0d27ad15f458", "name": "/", "virtualMachines": [], "vmsAllowed": false }, { "id": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "name": "/a/b/c/", "virtualMachines": [ { "id": "429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3", "name": "vm_name" } ], "vmsAllowed": true } ] }, ... ] }, ... ]

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Virtual Machines
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/{projectId}/vm
Get project's virtual machines.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • project ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to given project.

Response example

"offset": 0, "count": 10, "totalCount": 25, "projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf", "vms": [ { "id": "1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25", "name": "vm_lc_0_0", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": vm-95083", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::1555:82ef:8ac6:b85b" } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25/screen?width=200height=150" }, { "id": class="string">"a8527c4a-b3aa-4185-bb2b-41fc23c8bc0e", "name": "vm_lc_0_10", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-95100", "powerState": "poweredOff", "ipAddresses":[] }, ... ] }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key
404 Not found Possibly wrong project id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Virtual Machine Definitions
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/project/{projectId}/vmdefinitions
Get project's virtual machine definitions.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • project ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machine definitions with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project

Element Description Usage
projectId Id of the project

Response example

"projectId": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "vmDefinitions": [ { "projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf", "id": "8cae7a4e-fcab-4005-9b70-5c528d3c3085", "name": "dm_vm_20160314_1-clone" }, { "projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf", "id": "23f702ee-a315-4cea-b5a2-5a7df3819d62", "name": "vm_20160314_1" } ] }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong project id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Team operations

Detailed descriptions of each API operation including outputs.


service_key parameter should be set in header in order for all operations to work.

Get Team Virtual Machines
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/team/{teamId}/vm
Returns team virtual machines.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • team ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"offset": 0, "count": 10, "totalCount": 25, "projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf", "vms": [ { "id": "1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25", "name": "vm_lc_0_0" "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": vm-95083" "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::1555:82ef:8ac6:b85b", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25/screen?width=200height=150" }, { "id": class="string">"a8527c4a-b3aa-4185-bb2b-41fc23c8bc0e", "name": "vm_lc_0_10", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-95100", "powerState": "poweredOff", "ipAddresses":[] }, ... ] }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Virtual Machines In Folder
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/team/{teamId}/folder/{inventoryLocationSpecId}/vm
Returns team virtual machines in given folder.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • team ID as path parameter
  • inventry location spec ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"offset": 0, "count": 10, "totalCount": 25, "projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf", "vms": [ { "id": "1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25", "name": "dm_vm_lc_0_0", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": vm-95083", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::1555:82ef:8ac6:b85b" } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/1b3093e9-f670-403c-88f3-060a3d0ebf25/screen?width=200height=150", }, { "id": class="string">"a8527c4a-b3aa-4185-bb2b-41fc23c8bc0e", "name": "vm_lc_0_10", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-95100", "powerState": "poweredOff", "ipAddresses":[] }, ... ] }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key
404 Not found Possibly wrong team id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Virtual Machine operations

Detailed descriptions of each API operation including outputs.


service_key parameter should be set in header in order for all operations to work.

Get Virtual Machine screen
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/screen
Get screenshot of virtual machine's console.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns screenshot of virtual machine's console.

Element Description Usage
auth_token authentication token for current user necessary for further interactions with API

Response example

will return PNG image

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key

Sample request

Accept: application/png
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Virtual Machine Info
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}

Returns virtual machines info.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768", }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Power off Virtual Machine
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/powerOff
Returns powers off virtual machine.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Element Description Usage
auth_token authentication token for current user necessary for further interactions with API

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Power on Virtual Machine
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/powerOn
Returns powers on virtual machine.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Reset Virtual Machine
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/reset
Resets virtual machine.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden Wrong service key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Shut down Virtual Machine
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/shutdown
Shuts down the specified virtual machine.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns info about given virtual machine, including power state.

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Restart Virtual Machine
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/restart
Restarts virtual machine.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns list of virtual machines with their corresponding data, which belong to chosen project.

Response example

"id": "6f0a48b5-b49f-432c-8197-e49d6eb98fe3", "name": "vm_name", "parentId": "da163be5-bbe3-4f03-8fa6-35741fd9f831", "vcId": "vm-94991", "powerState": "poweredOn", "guestOsFamily": "windowsGuest", "guestOs": "Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)", "hostname": "TemplateVM", "ipAddresses": [ { "ipV4": "", "ipV6": "fe80::5086:a829:338a:a5f6", } ], "thumbnail": "http://localhost:8080/rest/vm/429b69e4-7679-4eb6-bd02-ea6100ac43c3/screen?width=1024#38height=768" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Console Virtual Machine
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/vm/{vmId}/console
Get specified virtual machine's web console URL.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • virtual machine ID as path parameter


Returns chosen virtual machine's web console URL.

Response example

{ "url": "ws://localhost:8080/webconsole/vm-94991" }

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong virtual machine id

Sample request

Accept: application/png
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Deployment Preparative Info
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/deployment/deployment_teams/{vm_definition_id}
Get deployment preparative info.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • list of virtual machine definition IDs as path parameter


Returns teams, VM definitions information which should be used to start a deployment.

Response example

    "id": "441fe8ba-830c-45f6-a846-a3fa88ec8db2",
    "name": "team-001-pr",
    "status": "VM_CONFLICT",
    "vms": [
       "vmName": "vm_name_1",
       "userName": "username_1",
       "date": 11458554970179,
       "vmName": "vm_name_2",
       "userName": "username_2",
       "date": 11458554970179,
    "id": "441fe8ba-830c-45f6-a846-a3fa88ec8db2",
    "name": "team-001-pr",
    "status": "TEAM_IN_USE",
    "vms": [
       "vmName": "vm_name_1",
       "userName": "username_1",
       "date": 11458554970179,
    "priority": 1,
    "status": "CANCELLED"
    "id": "9d66ce21-447f-46be-9aa5-1f67c4f48344",
    "vmNamePattern": "vm_name_{%}_{$}",
    "numberOfVms": "20",
    "priority": 1,

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong project id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Get Deployment Info
get http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/deployment/{id}
Get information about deployment.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • deployment ID as path parameter


Returns information regarding existing deployment.

Response example

"id": "9fcc97b2-0670-4e3e-a5c8-b6dea2d1c203",
"action": "DEPLOY",
"type": "VM",
"status": "CANCELLED",
"loginName": "tester",
"startTime": 1463864400000,
"projectId": "cb6580ef-c15e-4931-ba95-dee1bb346cdf",
"projectName": "project_name",
"usePortsPrecheck": false,
    "id": "7298396f-4dbc-4ed6-b410-6345cab8a6a2",
    "vmName": "vm_lc_1_4",
    "vmDefinitionName": "vm_20160314_1-clone",
    "teamName": "team-002-pr",
    "priority": 1,
    "status": "CANCELLED"
    "id": "9d66ce21-447f-46be-9aa5-1f67c4f48344",
    "vmNamePattern": "vm_name_{%}_{$}",
    "numberOfVms": "20",
    "priority": 1,

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found Possibly wrong project id

Sample request

Content-Length: 31
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

Start Deployment
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/deployment/start
Starts deployment by given deployment specification.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • body content with deployment specification


Returns started deployment's ID.

Element Description Usage
deployment id started deployment's ID necessary for further interactions with started deployment

Response example


Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found possibly wrong deployment id

Sample request

Content-Length: 31
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298
"usePortsPrecheck": false,
"scheduledStartTime": 1463864400000,
"teamUuids": [
"vmDefinitionUuids": [
"vmCountLimits": [
  "vmDefinitionId": "8cae7a4e-fcab-4005-9b70-5c528d3c3085",
  "lower": 1,
  "upper": 1

Cancel deployment
patch http://vlm.crp.cybexer.com/rest/deployment/{deploymentId}/cancel
Marks the specified deployment for cancellation.


  • valid service_key header
  • valid authentication_token header
  • deployment ID as path parameter


No value

Response messages

HTTP Status code Reason Additional info
202 Accepted the request has been accepted for processing
401 Unauthorized Missing or bad authentication
403 Forbidden Invalid service_key
404 Not found possibly wrong deployment id

Sample request

Accept: application/json
A Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
A Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
auth_token: 064ce9a2-d448-4483-9af3-350debc11a9b
service_key: 899761897980392491406020450169825653298

If any error should occur APIException with detailed message

Sample error message

"errors": [ "VM definition 'dm_vm_20160314_1-clone' is being modified by another user ('tester')" ] }